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We are Ismael and Robyn Lopez. We have four wonderful boys, John, Luke, Mark and Matthew.

In 2009, after a missions trip to Mexico, we felt a strong urge in our hearts to help fund pastors that are doing the work of the ministry in their own native lands. We have seen a pattern of well intended missionaries and ministries visit the foreign mission field to plant churches, but once those ministries have to return home, a void is often left behind. Rather than only sending our people to the mission field, Pastors International wants to help fund and equip pastors to reach their native land for Jesus. Who better than a local that understands the culture, language and the need of their people to build the local body of believers? We want to empower, equip and enable indigenous pastors to do the work God has called them to do. Pastors International is a Global/Local community, "Glocal" if you will. Join us in making a difference in the lives of people all around the world.


Ismael Lopez

PIF Founder

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